Winter Transport

Přeprava osob
30 let na trhu

Otevřeli jsme 2 nové dispečinky!

Price list of our services

To help you calculate the cost of your trip, we have prepared a price list with the most frequently booked routes.
To make an individual offer, please contact us 24/7.

International transport is exempt from VAT according to §70.

These prices are without additional charges.

Letiště Vídeň | Vienna International Airport

Passenger car:
3 000 Kč

Mini bus:
3 900 Kč

M. R. Štefánik International Airport Bratislava

Passenger car:
3 000 Kč

Mini bus:
3 900 Kč

Václav Havel Airport Prague

Passenger car:
4 400 CZK + VAT 21%

Mini bus:
5 400 CZK + VAT 21%